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Denton Weapons Charges Defense Attorney

Experienced Legal Defense for Weapons Charges in Denton, TX

Gun ownership rates have been on a downward trend in Texas, but residents bought over 1.6 million guns in 2021, so we may not be able to predict gun ownership rates, but one thing can be said for sure – there are a lot of guns in Texas. According to the Texas Tribune, there are enough guns in the state to give one to every 14th adult. The Second Amendment to the US Constitution protects the right to own a weapon and gun ownership is also covered in the Texas Constitution. It’s important to remember that just because an individual has a right to a weapon doesn’t mean the local, state, and federal government can’t also make laws to limit, regulate, and prohibit access.

Contact the Denton weapons charge attorneys at the Law Offices of Nathan Miller as soon as possible for help protecting your rights. You can call us at (940) 580-4287 to schedule a consultation.

Understanding Unlawful Carrying Offenses in Denton County

Firearm charges can leave an alleged offender in a difficult legal position, as many weapons offenses are explicitly charged. For example, unlawful carry and possession laws differentiate between unlawful carrying of a weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm. According to Texas Penal Code 46.02, it’s illegal to intentionally have a handgun in one’s possession without a permit. Even if a personal firearm is in their vehicle, a Texan cannot have a handgun in plain view. The law requires firearm owners to apply for a carry permit or secure their handgun in a holster. So, even in a private car, a handgun would need to be permitted if the owner of the weapon plans to take the gun out of the vehicle. It’s important to remember that Texas Penal Code 46.02 law is a law about carrying a weapon in public, and even if carrying laws are being restricted, it’s still okay to possess a weapon inside your vehicle or on your property.

Texans are only allowed to have an open and visible handgun when:

  • On their private property
  • In their vehicle
  • In transit to their vehicle

What Happens If Someone Violates Weapons and Firearm Regulations in Texas?

When an individual violates weapons and firearm regulations, it could lead to criminal charges. A conviction on weapons charges usually means a defendant could be facing a significant incarceration period, coupled with hefty fines, penalties, and possibly a criminal record. If you’ve been arrested because of an alleged weapons violation in Texas, contact our Denton weapon charges attorney.

Need a Weapons Charge Lawyer in Denton? Contact Us Today!

If you’ve been charged with a weapons charge in Denton or a neighboring community, you need to retain legal representation as soon as possible. When you are accused of breaking the laws of Texas, prosecutors will work hard to see that you are convicted and pay your debt to society. You don’t want to face criminal charges without a lawyer in your corner advocating on your behalf. The attorneys at The Law Office of Nathan Miller will fight for your right to a fair experience in the criminal justice system. Our Denton weapons charge attorneys have a keen understanding of the system and how to help you navigate it unscathed.

Schedule Your Consultation with Our Denton Defense Team Today

Reviews from Former Clients

  • “He's very caring about his clients and wants to do what's best for them.”


  • “He answered EVERY question and made the whole process easy, quick, and simple.”

    Criminal Defense Client

  • “A straight shooter and true professional.”


  • “The competency with which he handled his case always made me feel confident that all matters would be settled in my son's best interest.”

    Juvenile Client

  • “Words are not enough to say how grateful we are.”

    DUI Client

What are the benefits of hiring a former prosecutor?

  • Understands the criminal system, including how evidence is gathered and how police reports are created

  • Recognizes how proactive representation can affect filing charges in the first moments after a criminal arrest

  • Knowledge of how the opposing prosecutors will try to develop a case against you

  • Identifies potential options that can question any evidence found in a way that could have violated your constitutional rights

  • Uses his knowledge to prevent prosecutors from pursing a criminal conviction, which could improve your chances of charge reduction, acquittal, dismissal, or even expunction

  • Confident in his ability to negotiate and litigate – rather than simply settle for a plea bargain

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